Vail Virtual K-8 Athletes and Performers

  • Families can work with our team to find a flexible solution to their learner’s competition schedule.

  • Through this option students can continue to learn and excel academically and through their extra curricular activities.

  • Vail Virtual students have the opportunity to join their home school athletic programs with principal permission.

More Information Coming Soon!

Maya's Story

Maya, a rising star gymnast, struggled to keep up with her schoolwork due to her training schedule. Her teachers suggested online learning, and she was hesitant at first, but eventually decided it was the best option.

Maya surprised herself at how well she adapted to online learning. She was able to learn at her own pace and focus on her gymnastics, and she quickly started to excel in both. She received a scholarship from a prestigious gymnastics academy, and she continued to learn online, maintaining her grades even with the demands of her training. Maya completed middle school with honors and was accepted into a top high school.

Maya is now a successful high school athlete and scholar. She is still training hard and is determined to make it to the Olympics. She is grateful for the opportunity to learn online, and she knows that it would not have been possible for her to achieve her dreams without it.

What Students and Parents Have to Say

“The decision to move my child to online school to pursue her passion was difficult to make. Meeting with and talking through the program with the educational team helped us feel confident that we were making the right choice. My daughter is thriving in both her training and academic program now that she can learn at her own pace and has the support of her teachers.”